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Environment Taskforce 

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Shariq Abdul Ghani (shah-rick ab-dool gun-knee) is the Director of Minaret Foundation, an organization focused on developing multi-faith relations to change the world through advocacy in the areas of food insecurity, child welfare, and religious freedom. For the past 11 years, Shariq has regularly spoken at faith centers, conferences, and educational institutions on topics ranging from American Muslim identity to faith-based advocacy and spirituality. In addition to teaching Islam through sermons and lectures, he works with clergy, policymakers, and law enforcement to provide insight into the American-Muslim community. Shariq has a Bachelor's in History from the University of Houston and completed his graduate studies in Homeland Security from The Bush School at Texas A&M. He is currently pursuing his Masters in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution with a focus on peacebuilding from Columbia University. Shariq's passion is finding intersections between communities for collaboration and mutual growth and loves to connect with like-minded people over chai or burgers.

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